Hi, I'm Samantha!
I attended college at Missouri State University, Darr College of Agriculture majoring in animal science. Right about now I'm sure you're wondering how I got into photography when I went to school for animal science and at one time wanted to be a large animal veterinarian. During my time in undergrad I fell in love with being an advocate for the agriculture industry and sharing our story with those less familiar. I took a lower level communications class as an elective and I knew then I needed to pursue agricultural communications after just a few weeks. I graduated and decided this was what I would go to grad school for, agricultural communications, and found during those two years that I could use photography to tell a story.
Let me back up a few years now -- I remember when I was a kid having a Barbie Polaroid camera -- I took that thing everywhere! I took countless photos of family and animals. I always wanted a disposalable cameras when we went somewhere and eventually got this real cool pink point-and-shoot camera when I got older. I took 1000's of photos when I went on a trip across Europe my senior year of high school with that little point-and-shoot. I got to college and kind of forgot about capturing those moments, because, hello smartphones! I decided to take a photography class and one of the requirements was to have your own DSLR. I had stepped away from taking photos for so long I didn't even realize how much I had missed it until I had that DSLR in my hands. Now, I pretty much never leave the house without either of my DSLR cameras.
I love capturing true emotion -- the light in someones eyes when they look at the person they love, belly laughs and giggles and sweet embraces. Those moments that will mean so much to you tomorrow, next week or 20 years from now. Contact me below and lets talk about your next session!